Fit, Fun, Friends & more

"After a hectic day, a busy week, and/or just to spend quality time with friends, dears and relatives, going out here or there, close to nature or new cultures, burn some calories and enjoy the efforts..."


  •  I have discovered only recently the joy of traveling, whether for private or for professional reasons. Having focused grandly my career on international positions, I have been given the chance to see, and visit, some wonderful countries.
  • Traveling is not about knowing the closest hotel to the airport, but more for me to be able to come as close as possible to the people and bring something back my heart and mind.
  • After many many years of intense traveling I am still pretty amazed by how much I still need to discover and learn.
  • Here is the latest list of the countries I have been to. Only those where I stayed more than a day are here mentioned:
- Andorra - Azerbaijan - Austria - Belgium - Brazil - Bulgaria - Cambodia - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Denmark - Dubai - England - Estonia - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Holland - Hungary - India - Indonesia - Iran - Italy - Japan - Korea - Latvia - Luxembourg - Monaco - Morocco - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Russian Federation - Scotland - Serbia - Slovenia - South Africa - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Syria - Thailand - Tunisia - Turkey - Ukraine - USA - Vietnam -
... the last count is 49 countries...which means that there are so many left, that it ain't over anytime soon.


  •  Ain't my favorite sporting activity, I must confess, but I have to admit that one can run at any convenient time (of the day/night and the year), wherever in the world one happen to be, and that it gives you some "feels-good" vibes right after.
  • 2-3 times a week you may see me hitting the paths/pavements, at odd hours of the day... 
-> Running a Marathon is getting a bit as far as a dream though... as I need to work (hard) on it/me to make that happening, still!

 Mountain Biking

  • When not in the French Alps, in the northern Indian mount tops in the Ladakh, on the Northern Coast of Jutland in Denmark, or near Barcelona, and when weather allows, you may see me pedaling, falling, jumping, smiling on my mountainbike near Lyon.
-> I just enjoy riding (and falling) in (even more) style.


  • I have been playing, as a pure "Sunday once-in-a-while" amateur, ever since 1999, and have still too many issues dealing with my swings, putting, drives... to be contained in those pages. But spending quality time with your friends, in outstanding places, gives you just this common understanding that life is always fair on the fairways... if you know how to push yourself and your boundaries just a bit further.
-> I have though decided to take a membership at the Corbelin's Golf Club, close to where I live, pass my green card, go down on handicaps... and play more regularly. How does that sound?


  • As I only started skiing when 18, and that living in Denmark for many years did not make it that's easy to all of a sudden decide to go on the slopes, I have decided some years ago to focus on Snowboarding. Not that I stand any chances against this new young population of "born on a board" kids, but I compare quite well with friends, my age... and even younger.
-> I am Goofy and that is fine with me. I enjoy snowboarding a lot.

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