Business Profile - Consulting

Misk Design - petsmood

  • Misk Design is a young company proposing the market with a unique combination; to master innovative design and function in furnitures, made for pets and pets-owners.
  • Add-Wise Consulting, is currently conducting a series of bespoke sales and marketing tools, as follows:
- Business reviews and strategic analysis
- Business development (international market survey, strategic and operationnal marketing)
- Fundings (crowfunding in equity and fund, investment companies & banks)

(Sarl Palauva) - Add-Wise Conseils®

  • Add-Wise Conseils is a Consulting company focalised in international business development & networking.
  • Proposing 15+ years of operational, multi-sectorial, sales & marketing experience. Specialised in Business-to-Business, for Micro, Small to Medium enterprises.
  • Modular offer from Hands-on marketing material to strategic review & planning.


  • Anticip-Consultants is a consulting company specialized in providing services to companies and institutions that place innovation at the heart of their strategy to improve their performance and develop their competitiveness.

"The Dental Implant Industry"

For the French consulting company, Anticip, I have been offered to share my extensive experience within the Dental Implant industry. For a day, we covered together the market, the players, the regulations, the trends and aimed at shaping a fine picture and strategy for a company willing to enter the market in the most efficient manner.

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